Septembe3r0 ,2010
Bill Mahon
McVac Eco Tabs
481 Grand Avenue
New Haven, CT 06513
Dear Bill:
We wanted to send you a note to let you know how well the Eco-Tabs Product has been working for us here at Quinnipiac University.
We have been using the product since January of this year on our large external grease traps. Before the application we used to pump the traps on a
monthly basis, now the traps are pumped quarterly which has provided us a significant savings.
We are very pleased with the results and have recommended Eco-Tabs to our new York Hill campus location which has been using the product since opening in late August. We highly recommend this product.
David DeLuca
Superintendenot f MechanicalS ervices
Quinnipiac University
275ML’tC. anusr. Al’eNue,H evoeN,
CT 06518-1908″ TqL.203-582-820