Whether its a Large municipal system, hydrocarbon contamination, a decorative pond, or a residential septic system, Ecotabs has a solution for you.
Our Product
Eco-tabs™ products are created to treat specific areas of wastewater through our revolutionary and patented pending technology. Each product has been designed to treat each application and their associated problems. Our focus for each product application is to provide the correct bacteria and environment for them to reproduce and thrive in.
Our product, Eco-Tabs™ are patent pending, multifunctional tablets engineered to oxygenate wastewater, remove hydrogen sulfide odors, prevent corrosion, and initiate aerobic biological breakdown of organic solids, nutrients and various other organic compounds. The cost efficiency and technical ability of Eco-Tabs™ represents a true innovation in the treatment of water worldwide and in Canada. Eco-TabsTM products, just as nature, makes use of bacteria instead of harmful chemicals to be the cleaning factories for pollutants.
The Eco-Tabs™ tablets fall to the bottom of the volume of water for treatment, and dissolve over time. The tablets are designed to dissolve slowly using natural water soluble polymers and synthetic non-hazardous polymer binders. All the ingredients in the tablets are environmentally safe and do not require any special permitting to meet effluent or pre-treatment requirements.
The tablets raise dissolved oxygen levels throughout the volume of water in concentrations up to 50% more than can be achieved with manual aeration. Eco-Tabs™ will buffer the volume of water and neutralize the ph which, when combined with high dissolved oxygen concentrations results in an ideal environment for more than 14 different bacterial strains to thrive. The oxygen released reacts immediately with any Hydrogen Sulfide (and other Sulfides, Thiols, and Mercaptans) creating non-toxic Sodium Sulfate and various salts of the organic Sulfides.
Microdot Separation TechnologyTM (MST) enables the tablets to imbed itself within the sludge layer and treat from the bottom up therefore providing a non-invasive solution that will treat the entire volume of water. In a system with constant flow, a scheduled application of Eco-Tabs™ will remove any sludge, organic matter and other compounds completely and maintain a healthy system on an ongoing basis.
Eco-H (Hydrocarbon remediation)
ECO-H is a concentrated broad spectrum hydrocarbon degrader containing a consortium blend of our primary core bacterial strains, augmented by additional non-pathogenic strains of specially chosen bacteria and fungi, known for their propensity to degrade various hydrocarbons.
ECO-h will also rapidly degrade the major components of diesel, specifically benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, methyl naphthalene, anthracene and C10 to C17. The product is the premier choice for soil remediation applications such as coal tar, crude oil and mixtures of light and heavy oil fractions. Our proprietary formula also successfully degrades alcohols, ketones, and phthalates, and will also mitigate harmful PAHs.
Fast Facts
- Benefits of using Eco Tabs
- Microdot Separation TechnologyTM
- Role of bacteria and why are Eco-TabsTM tablets effective
- Bacteria, enzymes or chemicals?
- How does Bacteria replicate?
- What determines how fast bacteria replicate?
- Bacteria risk assessment
- Benefits of Eco-H
- In summary, Eco-TabsTM are designed to:

Benefits of using eco tabs
- Oxygenate the water
- Eliminate odour
- Biodegrade organic / chemical pollutants
- Prevent corrosion in pipes and storage tanks
- Improve the general quality of waste water
- Increase the efficiency of existing systems
- 100% environmentally and ecologically safe
- Poses no risk to humans, animals or aquatic life
Microdot Separation Technology™
Eco-tabs employ Microdot Separation Technology™ (MST), which causes individual effervescent plumes throughout the waste basin of the grease trap or wastewater stream that is simply ONE OF A KIND.
With MST, when an eco tab is dropped into an affected area, microdots of bicarbonate are immediately separated from the tablet, settle to the bottom of the waste tank enclosure, carried throughout the wastewater and become attached to any floating organic matter and grease cap. At the point of settlement, each microdot causes a plume of effervescence which greatly reduces hypoxic (lack of oxygen) conditions, and thereby decreases anaerobic activity in the water (smell of rotten eggs from hydrogen sulfide), and stirs up the wastewater sediment. The effervescent action of the tablet itself, as well as the plumes caused by the MST™ act as vectors to deliver the biological portion of the tablet to all areas of the waste water. MST also creates a larger organic matter surface area for the active bacteria to adhere to. The water is much more effectively treated, without the necessity for mechanical mixing.
The unique oxygen effervescence of the Eco-Tab facilitates the hyper growth of the aerobic bacteria, which is paramount for an effective product. Without the presence of oxygen, the competitor’s products are diluted in gray water, rendering them less effective, and are discharged from the grease trap system without digesting waste! Likewise, liquid or granular products simply treat the aqueous portion of the waste tank, and never reach the sludge portion of the tank, before quickly being diluted and exiting the waste tank as effluent.
Role of bacteria and why are Eco-Tabs™ tablets effective
Bacteria can facilitate bioremediation by feeding on excess nutrients that pollute the environment. These excess nutrients are usually present due to human activities (agriculture, sewage, industrial waste, etc.). Pollution of aquatic ecosystems can result in overgrowth of some organisms like algae that negatively impact the oxygen availability in the ecosystem. When oxygen is limited growth of beneficial bacteria is also limited. Therefore, actions must be taken to jumpstart the process of bacteria facilitated bioremediation.
Eco-Tabs™ Tablets are effective because they contain beneficial bacteria that feed on and remove excess nutrients form the environment. In addition, the tabs contain a custom blend of inorganic components that promote bacterial activity. The combination of the beneficial bacteria, inorganic components, and the patent-pending microdot separation technology (MST) provide the right combination of environmental conditions that jumpstart the bioremediation process. The combination of these factors is what makes Eco-TabsTM
Bacterial Enzymes or Chemicals?
Bacteria are living cells with the ability to reproduce. Bacteria are the cleaning factories that nature uses to remove pollutants.
Bacteria consume waste materials and convert it into safe by products like carbon dioxide and water.
When the waste materials are very complex (such as pond sludge), Bacteria produce enzymes to break it down into simple compounds that the bacteria can digest.
Bacteria contained in Eco-TabsTM are 100% natural, safe, and non-‐pathogenic. Eco-Tabs bacteria are not genetically engineered or altered in any way.
Bacteria consume phosphates, ammonia, and nitrates which improves water quality. Eco-TabsTM are environmentally superior and a better solution.
Enzymes are NOT alive and can not reproduce. They are complex chemicals produced by bacteria.
Enzymes are not capable of consuming waste materials, all that they do is convert complex wastes into simple wastes.
Enzymes alone are not sufficient, bacteria are still needed to consume the waste material. An enzyme product only has half the tools necessary to get the job done right!
Enzymes are not necessarily bad for the environment, but they do not have the advantages that bacteria provide.
Enzymes cannot help in removing pollutants and therefore have very limited benefits.
Chemicals are NOT alive and can not reproduce. They can be used to mimic the properties of bacteria or enzymes, but they are mostly environmentally UNFRIENDLY and inefficient.
Chemicals can oxidize sludge and ammonia, but generally only harsh and dangerous chemicals accomplish this Less hazardous chemicals are generally not effective. Chemicals have considerable toxicity issues and are likely to harm fish, wildlife and the general pond health.
Chemicals are hazardous to the environment, and they do not have the advantages that the bacteria provide. Chemicals are simply not environmentally and ecologically friendly.
How does Bacteria replicate?
Bacteria typically reproduce via a process called “Binary Fission”. In this process the original cell is called the parent cell. The parent cell duplicates its internal component, including the genetic material (DNA), and then divides to form two daughter cells. The daughter cells are clones of the parent cell. The daughter cells then continue to grow and divide to produce more cells. If conditions are favourable the bacteria will continue to increase in population size.
What Determines How Fast Bacteria Replicate?
There are many factors which determine how fast a bacterial population will grow. These include:
- The genetic makeup of the bacteria and the types of proteins they produce. For example: for bacteria to utilize glucose they must have the genes to make the proteins to ingest and metabolize glucose.
- In addition bacteria require nutrients to grow. Even if the bacteria can make the proteins they need to utilize certain food sources, if the right nutrients are not available the bacteria will not grow, or will grow very slowly.
- Environmental factors such as temperature, pH, oxygen availability and osmotic pressure impact the growth rate of bacteria. All bacteria have a minimum, optimal and maximum growth range. For example, if the temperature is too low or too high the bacteria will experience slower growth. If the temperature is just right (optimal) the bacteria will grow at the maximum rate.
Benefits of using Eco-H
- Rapidly degrades all major components of gasoline, diesel, #4, #5, & #6 fuel oils.
- Reduces environmental damage.
- The robust ambient working range is between 0-60o C.
- The microbes a have an optimal working range of pH 6.0 to 9.0.
- Non-toxic.
- Non-corrosive.
- Safe to handle and store when used as directed.
In summary, eco-tabs™ are designed to:
- Oxygenate and buffers the wastewater
- Neutralize acids and convert hydrogen sulfide to non-corrosive sulfate and other neutral salts
- Prevent corrosion of metal and concrete piping and other pumping equipment
- Initiate bacterial degradation and aerobic digestion of oil, grease and bottom sludge