Septic Tank Pumping is Getting Expensive
So, it’s getting time for another Septic tank cleaning? In many areas it now costs $300-500.00 or more, to get your tank pumped & can often need to be done every 3-5 yrs. It’s getting expensive!
Many modern household and commercial products are very hard on septic systems; personal care, pharmaceuticals, detergents and certain types of cleaning products, etc. They suppress the bacterial and digestive activity in the tank, allowing sludge and solids to build up in the tank, as well as the weeping bed- that greatly shortens the life of your system.
Pumping the tank will buy you some time, but it can’t address the issues as to why the tank isn’t working properly in the first place. It also can’t address any problems that are building up in your weeping bed. Given that septic systems are very costly to replace, let’s make them last a long time!
There are various treatments that promise to help your system work better, with varying efficacy. Eco-tabs is different. It uses a blend of over a dozen strains of aerobic bacteria and oxygen to properly digest solids and tackle any unpleasant odours.
See how Ecotabs works vs an enzyme product:
Ecotabs can greatly reduce or eliminate septic tank pumping, plus they preserve your weeping bed, keeping it working properly. This will save you many thousands of $$$ and do it in a very enviro-friendly way.
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